יום חמישי, 18 בספטמבר 2008

My name is Yasmin Elias, I'm 14 years old and I live in Israel. I have light brown hair, and brown eyes. My brother's name is Shlomi. He's 16 years old, and he also studies in Kugel high-school in the 11th grade.
I have a pet-dog, his name is Rocky. He's mixed breed husky with german-shephard. He's 7 years old, and he's very special because he has one light-blue eye and one brown eye. I love him very much!

My hobbies are to dance a lot, draw, play on the computer, watch TV, read books, be with my friends or with my family, or go to someplace like the mall.
In my free time or during holidays I like to rest- sleep a lot, watch TV, or read a good book. I also like to be active- do sports, travel abroad or travel to somewhere in Israel. When I'm with my friends, we like to go to each other's house, or go to a movie together.

School is a place I feel safe in, and a place where I have a lot of friends. Those are the most important things for me about school. Except for the pressure because of the H.W and tests, I don't have anything against school. I like most of the teachers, and I have a good relationship with them and the kids, too.
My favorite subjects are literature, Bible and history, because I prefer humanistic subjects.
My expectations for this year are that I'll learn many new things, meet new friends, and discover new things about myself. Being in the high-school building is very challenging, but I believe I'll be able to handle it.