יום ראשון, 11 באפריל 2010

I chose this patch picture because I think it describes every little thing that is connected to the holocaust. It's the picture that illustrates in the best way the reason for the death of 6,000,000 innocent jewish people. This picture shows us a patch with the word "jude" on it. It shows us explicitly that those 6,000,000 people died only because of only one reason - their faith.

The man in the picture is Alexander Pechersky, who was the chief organizer and leader of a successful Jewish uprising at the Sobibor extermination camp on October 1943. I chose this picture after I saw the movie "Escape from Sobibor", last night. For me, this man is one of the greatest symbols of bravery, courage and grit. Stories like Alexander teach us that without faith, desire and fighting, the situation may have been even worse.

This picture drawn by a young boy named Petr Ginz who was sent to Aushwitz during the Holocaust. He drew this picture to represent freedom that he thought he could have if he were standing on the moon looking at the Earth. This picture shows how he felt about being trapped in Aushwitz. Even the mountains look like a prison or gate that were holding him inside the concentration camp. Perhaps, like thediary of Anne frank, this picture represents the power of one person to show the horror that took place during the holocaust.