יום שבת, 15 במאי 2010

the bedouin

The Bedouin people

The word "Bedu means inhabitant of the desert. Researchers believe they are the “true wanderers” of the desert. Meanwhile, modern Bedu themselves believe they are descendents of Shem, the son of Noah. The total population of Bedouin is unknown with at least 200,000-300,000 living in Arab countries and Israel.

Family Life

The family unit usually consists of three or four adults (a married couple plus siblings or parents) and their children.


Originally some of Bedu society was polygamous - both men and women could have several spouses. A woman stayed in her father’s tent, and her children were brought up by her family. If a man wanted to divorce a woman he just said “I divorce you.” Marriage in the Bedouin culture may be arranged, but the woman may refuse if she is not pleased with the choice. Marriage, as in the past, often takes place within the family, between cousins. Marriage used to take place at a very young age around 13. This has now changed, with eighteen now the minimum marriage age.


Almost all Bedu are Muslims. The Hajj to Mecca is very important to the Bedu and many Bedouin children make the hajj before the age of ten.

Cultural traditions

In the Bedouin culture there is a special tradition called "Bisha" or "trial by fire". In this event a burning spoon or knife is placed on the tongue of an accused person. If his tongue is burned seriously then he is guilty. If his tongue is not burned then he is not guilty. This is a tradition that still exists today although is becoming less popular and regular trials are being used more. It was used mainly to uphold the Bedouin honor code.
This ritual very much reminds us of the trial Moses had to undergo in front of Pharaoh
You have presented a nice report.