יום חמישי, 10 בפברואר 2011

Facebook and I !

I have had an account on Facebook for about two years. Like everyone else you need to be "invited" to join Facebook. On my "page" I have pictures and I talk to my friends about many different kinds of things like school, friends, clothes, music, parties, etc. I spend a lot of time on Facebook like most of my friends maybe 3 or 4 hours a day.

2. Facebook has become a way of communication for young people. Like Messenger and cellphones, now most young people communicate with each other on Facebook. In addition there are advertisements and invitations that are sent out from Facebook. The good thing about Facebook is that someone has to be your "friend" so he can send you a message. This prevents strange people from contacting you.

3. The 2 events that are mentioned are very sad but I don't think Facebook can be blamed. The boy who killed himself from what I understand had some problems before he started writing on Facebook. The girl who was raped by boys she met through Facebook should have been more careful, but Facebook cannot be blamed for it happening.