יום חמישי, 10 בפברואר 2011

Facebook and I !

I have had an account on Facebook for about two years. Like everyone else you need to be "invited" to join Facebook. On my "page" I have pictures and I talk to my friends about many different kinds of things like school, friends, clothes, music, parties, etc. I spend a lot of time on Facebook like most of my friends maybe 3 or 4 hours a day.

2. Facebook has become a way of communication for young people. Like Messenger and cellphones, now most young people communicate with each other on Facebook. In addition there are advertisements and invitations that are sent out from Facebook. The good thing about Facebook is that someone has to be your "friend" so he can send you a message. This prevents strange people from contacting you.

3. The 2 events that are mentioned are very sad but I don't think Facebook can be blamed. The boy who killed himself from what I understand had some problems before he started writing on Facebook. The girl who was raped by boys she met through Facebook should have been more careful, but Facebook cannot be blamed for it happening.

יום חמישי, 11 בנובמבר 2010

I agree with Maya's opinion about cell phones in the classroom. I also don't think that pupils should use cell phones during the lesson. They distract pupils during the lesson and they can't concentrate on the material. In the case of her friend the teacher did the right thing. Pupils should not use phones at all while they are learning.

My opinion on Ofir's blog about homework:
In my opinion I don't agree with most of Ofir's blog. I feel that homework is usually very important and can help make a pupil more successful in his studies. Homework helps you review the material you learn in the classroom and also helps you to be prepared for tests.
I think that this is true for all subjects and not only mathematics as Ofir said in her blog

My opinion about Karin's blog about school trips:
In my opinion I agree with Karin that school trips should continue. Most of the time the trips are interesting and fun. It is always nice to get a break from the regular school day and the school trips give us a chance to be with our friends in a different place. T he only thing I would add is that there should be more free time on trips so pupils can do what they would like to do for a few hours.

B: I think that one way to improve blogs would be to write about things that interest young people
today such as music, movies and other things. Another idea is to write about things that we do every day, such as after school activities/

יום שני, 4 באוקטובר 2010

There is a plan by a local Muslim group in New York city to build a mosque near the site of the world trade center which was attacked nine years ago on September 11, 2001.
are many people who disagree with this plan, saying that it does not respect the memories of the 3000 people who died there. There are people who feel that a Muslim community center does not belong so close to the site of the World trade center.

However, there is a group lead by Donna O'Conner, who lost a daughter on 9/11, called Families for Peaceful tomorrows, who believes that the people who want to build this mosque are not the same people who attacked the world trade center. She feels that the group that wants to build this mosque believes in peace. Others feel that most Muslim people believe in freedom and peace and they should have the same rights as other Americans to build a mosque any where they want. In addition a poll done by the New York Daily News newspaper found that more than 60% of the people who voted believed that the mosque would help build better relations between Moslems and others

In my opinion, I feel that there should not be a mosque built near the site of the world trade center because even though they are not the same people they should respect the people who died there and their families.


יום שבת, 15 במאי 2010

the bedouin

The Bedouin people

The word "Bedu means inhabitant of the desert. Researchers believe they are the “true wanderers” of the desert. Meanwhile, modern Bedu themselves believe they are descendents of Shem, the son of Noah. The total population of Bedouin is unknown with at least 200,000-300,000 living in Arab countries and Israel.

Family Life

The family unit usually consists of three or four adults (a married couple plus siblings or parents) and their children.


Originally some of Bedu society was polygamous - both men and women could have several spouses. A woman stayed in her father’s tent, and her children were brought up by her family. If a man wanted to divorce a woman he just said “I divorce you.” Marriage in the Bedouin culture may be arranged, but the woman may refuse if she is not pleased with the choice. Marriage, as in the past, often takes place within the family, between cousins. Marriage used to take place at a very young age around 13. This has now changed, with eighteen now the minimum marriage age.


Almost all Bedu are Muslims. The Hajj to Mecca is very important to the Bedu and many Bedouin children make the hajj before the age of ten.

Cultural traditions

In the Bedouin culture there is a special tradition called "Bisha" or "trial by fire". In this event a burning spoon or knife is placed on the tongue of an accused person. If his tongue is burned seriously then he is guilty. If his tongue is not burned then he is not guilty. This is a tradition that still exists today although is becoming less popular and regular trials are being used more. It was used mainly to uphold the Bedouin honor code.
This ritual very much reminds us of the trial Moses had to undergo in front of Pharaoh
You have presented a nice report.

יום ראשון, 11 באפריל 2010

I chose this patch picture because I think it describes every little thing that is connected to the holocaust. It's the picture that illustrates in the best way the reason for the death of 6,000,000 innocent jewish people. This picture shows us a patch with the word "jude" on it. It shows us explicitly that those 6,000,000 people died only because of only one reason - their faith.

The man in the picture is Alexander Pechersky, who was the chief organizer and leader of a successful Jewish uprising at the Sobibor extermination camp on October 1943. I chose this picture after I saw the movie "Escape from Sobibor", last night. For me, this man is one of the greatest symbols of bravery, courage and grit. Stories like Alexander teach us that without faith, desire and fighting, the situation may have been even worse.

This picture drawn by a young boy named Petr Ginz who was sent to Aushwitz during the Holocaust. He drew this picture to represent freedom that he thought he could have if he were standing on the moon looking at the Earth. This picture shows how he felt about being trapped in Aushwitz. Even the mountains look like a prison or gate that were holding him inside the concentration camp. Perhaps, like thediary of Anne frank, this picture represents the power of one person to show the horror that took place during the holocaust.

יום שני, 11 בינואר 2010

Is it a good idea for teenagers to work while studying at school?

There has been a lot of debate about the topic of whether teenagers need to work while they're studying. So, is it really good for teenagers to work during the school year? I would like to present the advantages and disadvantages of the issue.

There are several positive reasons for teens to work. First of all, teenagers want to be independent. They have a lot of expenses such as: clothes, school supplies, parties, food, shopping and a lot of things that normal teens spend money on. They don’t feel good running to their parents every time they need money, because they feel uncomfortable asking for money. Another advantage is that sometimes the teen's family is not in a good economic situation and this might make the child want to help.

In spite of these advantages, there is one very important disadvantage. When a teen works during the school year, it takes time away, time that he could be studying. This may effect his atittude toward studies and grades.

To summarize, I think that teenagers can work if they want to, but with a limited number of hours each week. This way they can combine independence with good study habits.
I loved your compo !! You use advanced structures (conditionals) good vocabulary and good organization! Pls tell me if you have worked alone. If you have been helped pls tell me how.

יום חמישי, 5 בנובמבר 2009

Hello, my name is Yasmin. I am 15 years old. I have a big problem. My parents don’t want me to stay out till the time that I want Friday nights. They say that is very dangerous for young girls to stay out so late, even though they know that I'm with a lot of friends and not by myself. I think they're being too over protective. They say it's their responsibility to protect me.

Hello Yasmin. Your problem is very common among teenagers your age. First, you have to understand why your parents worry so much and don’t let you stay out till the time you want. Try to put yourself in their position. I suggest that you and your parents come to an agreement, such as to always be in a public places with a lot of people that you know and trust. Also, you should never go anywhere by yourself at nights. When you return home, it should never be by yourself, it should always be with someone else and with a taxi that you have ordered from your local taxi company. In this way, I think, your parents will be more relaxed and you will be able to stay out till anytime you want.