יום שני, 4 באוקטובר 2010

There is a plan by a local Muslim group in New York city to build a mosque near the site of the world trade center which was attacked nine years ago on September 11, 2001.
are many people who disagree with this plan, saying that it does not respect the memories of the 3000 people who died there. There are people who feel that a Muslim community center does not belong so close to the site of the World trade center.

However, there is a group lead by Donna O'Conner, who lost a daughter on 9/11, called Families for Peaceful tomorrows, who believes that the people who want to build this mosque are not the same people who attacked the world trade center. She feels that the group that wants to build this mosque believes in peace. Others feel that most Muslim people believe in freedom and peace and they should have the same rights as other Americans to build a mosque any where they want. In addition a poll done by the New York Daily News newspaper found that more than 60% of the people who voted believed that the mosque would help build better relations between Moslems and others

In my opinion, I feel that there should not be a mosque built near the site of the world trade center because even though they are not the same people they should respect the people who died there and their families.


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