יום רביעי, 3 בדצמבר 2008

I would like to give my opinion of children's rights in Israel. This usually depends on which part of Israel you are talking about. Some children have more rights than others.

Today there are many different types of people and children living in Israel. For example, there are rich people who usually have no problem giving their children most of the rights they need. They have protection, live in good neighborhoods with their families, go to good schools, and feel safe most of the time. There are other families that are not very rich that live in buildings that are not very safe. Children who live in these neighborhoods go to schools that are not as safe or as good. In adddition, children from these neighborhoods are not as protected from crime or other dangers as children from rich neighborhoods.

To summarize, the children of Israel have their basic human rights most of the time even though there could be some improvements. Although ther are some problems with security in Israel, in general Israel takes care of its children very well.

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