יום רביעי, 31 בדצמבר 2008

The story "The Blanket" by Floyd Dell is a very sensitive story that deals with family relationships. As in real life, there are families that have an old grandparent or step mother, etc. In this story we see how Petey's father tries to deal with some different problems. Because Petey's father is planning to get married, he wants to send his father to an old-age home. To make it easier for Petey, Granddad unselfishly pretends that it was his idea. However, Petey, who loves his granddad very much, shows his father that the way you treat loved ones, is how you will be treated in the future.

יום חמישי, 18 בדצמבר 2008

There have been many interesting inventions in the past 100 years. Each person will give a different answer to the question, "What is the greatest technological discovery"?

In my opinion the greatest invention is the cell phone. There are many reasons for this. First of all, the cell phone is a good way to communicate with people in an emergency. If your car is stuck or you need help in an emergency, the cell phone is a great way to get help. Secondly, parents can always know where their children are if they have a cell phone. If the child forgets to call their parents then the parents can always call the child and not worry about them. Of course the cell phone is a great invention for many other reasons that everyone knows such as talking to friends.

When I asked my grandmother what the greatest invention was, she answered the washing machine. She said that in the past it was very hard to wash clothes by hand. In addition, the washing machine saves time and also washes the clothes better than she did by hand.

The difference between my opinion and the opinion of my grandmother is very clear. She looks at things from the point of view of her family and I look at things from my point of view. This shows how age and generation influence our ideas about new inventions and modern technology.

יום רביעי, 3 בדצמבר 2008

I would like to give my opinion of children's rights in Israel. This usually depends on which part of Israel you are talking about. Some children have more rights than others.

Today there are many different types of people and children living in Israel. For example, there are rich people who usually have no problem giving their children most of the rights they need. They have protection, live in good neighborhoods with their families, go to good schools, and feel safe most of the time. There are other families that are not very rich that live in buildings that are not very safe. Children who live in these neighborhoods go to schools that are not as safe or as good. In adddition, children from these neighborhoods are not as protected from crime or other dangers as children from rich neighborhoods.

To summarize, the children of Israel have their basic human rights most of the time even though there could be some improvements. Although ther are some problems with security in Israel, in general Israel takes care of its children very well.

יום שני, 20 באוקטובר 2008

I would like to tell you about a wonderful trip I took to the USA during the last Passover vacation, with my cousin, Liran, whom I'm very close to, my father, and my uncle and his wife.

First, we went to New-York to see my family for a few days. It was a lot of fun. After two weeks, we flew to Las Vegas. We rented a car there, and drove about six hours to the Grand Canyon. It's a place that cannot be described in words. The next day we drove about two hours to a beautiful area called Sedona. This was the highlight of my trip.
This place, Sedona, is very special because all of the canyons and mountains that are made of beautiful red colored stone. The cliffs are very dramatic, especially at sunset when the whole area becomes filled with all different shades of red. Many tourists come to this site to see this fantastic view, and to relax in the special atmosphere.

This trip was amazing and unforgettable. I especially recommend a visit to Sedona to anyone travelling to the USA, because you cannot find this type of scenery anywhere else in the whole world.
דפנה, לא הצלחתי להפריד בין הפסקה השנייה לשלישית. השלישית מתחילה ב
This place, Sedona, is very......

יום רביעי, 1 באוקטובר 2008

I would like to tell you about one of my best friends, Ofir. I've known Ofir since we were three years old. Ofir lives in my neighborhood and that’s how we met. Ofir was with me in the kindergarten and after that we went to "Bialik" School together. We were best friends and everyone knew it. We used to meet each other every afternoon.

Ofir has brown eyes, and brown hair. She's medium height and she is thin. She has a round face, and a beautiful smile. Ofir likes to wear designer clothes most of the time. Ofir sometimes makes me laugh by making very funny faces.

I can describe Ofir as being very friendly, helpful and easy to be with. I can trust her with everything and we spend a lot of time together. Ofir likes to act, dance, shop and play with her dog, Chup. She's a very good pupil and she likes to learn new things.

To summarize, there are many reasons why Ofir has been my best friend for most of my life. Since I don't have a sister, and one brother, Ofir is like a sister to me. I love her very much and I'm sure we'll stay friends forever. I hope our children will play together.

יום חמישי, 18 בספטמבר 2008

My name is Yasmin Elias, I'm 14 years old and I live in Israel. I have light brown hair, and brown eyes. My brother's name is Shlomi. He's 16 years old, and he also studies in Kugel high-school in the 11th grade.
I have a pet-dog, his name is Rocky. He's mixed breed husky with german-shephard. He's 7 years old, and he's very special because he has one light-blue eye and one brown eye. I love him very much!

My hobbies are to dance a lot, draw, play on the computer, watch TV, read books, be with my friends or with my family, or go to someplace like the mall.
In my free time or during holidays I like to rest- sleep a lot, watch TV, or read a good book. I also like to be active- do sports, travel abroad or travel to somewhere in Israel. When I'm with my friends, we like to go to each other's house, or go to a movie together.

School is a place I feel safe in, and a place where I have a lot of friends. Those are the most important things for me about school. Except for the pressure because of the H.W and tests, I don't have anything against school. I like most of the teachers, and I have a good relationship with them and the kids, too.
My favorite subjects are literature, Bible and history, because I prefer humanistic subjects.
My expectations for this year are that I'll learn many new things, meet new friends, and discover new things about myself. Being in the high-school building is very challenging, but I believe I'll be able to handle it.