יום חמישי, 5 בנובמבר 2009

Hello, my name is Yasmin. I am 15 years old. I have a big problem. My parents don’t want me to stay out till the time that I want Friday nights. They say that is very dangerous for young girls to stay out so late, even though they know that I'm with a lot of friends and not by myself. I think they're being too over protective. They say it's their responsibility to protect me.

Hello Yasmin. Your problem is very common among teenagers your age. First, you have to understand why your parents worry so much and don’t let you stay out till the time you want. Try to put yourself in their position. I suggest that you and your parents come to an agreement, such as to always be in a public places with a lot of people that you know and trust. Also, you should never go anywhere by yourself at nights. When you return home, it should never be by yourself, it should always be with someone else and with a taxi that you have ordered from your local taxi company. In this way, I think, your parents will be more relaxed and you will be able to stay out till anytime you want.

יום חמישי, 22 באוקטובר 2009

description of a place

I would like to tell you about a very special trip I took to the USA two years ago, with my cousin, Liran, whom I'm very close to, my father, my uncle and his wife.

First of all, we went to New-York to see my family for few days. It was a lot of fun to be with people that I don’t see all the time. After two weeks, we flew to the fabulous city of Las Vegas. We rented a car there, and drove about six hours to the Grand Canyon. It's a place that cannot be described in words. The next day we drove about two hours to a beautiful area called Sedona. This place is very special because all of the canyons and mountains are made of beautiful red colored stones.

This trip was amazing and unforgettable. I especially recommend a visit to Sedona to anyone travelling to the USA, because you cannot find this type of scenery anywhere else in the whole world.

יום שני, 12 באוקטובר 2009


Yesterday I went to the mall with my Mom. At first, we went to a store called ZARA. I wanted to buy new clothes for the winter. I saw many nice things, but at the end I bought a sweater, a rain coat, a vest and overalls. After that, we went to the movie theatre. We saw a movie about two people who worked in the same hardware store, and fell in love. I really liked the movie, it was beautiful!
Yesterday I went to the mall with my Mother. At first, we went to a shop called ZARA. I wanted to buy new clothes for the winter. I saw many nice things, but at the end I bought a jumper, a mac, a waistcoat and dungarees. After that, we went to the cinema. We saw a movie about two people who worked in the same ironmonger, and fell in love. I really liked the movie, it was beautiful!

יום שני, 21 בספטמבר 2009

My name - Yasmin

When I was born my parents had a hard time deciding what to call me. My mother insisted on using the letter "yud" for the first letter in my name in honor of her grandmother that was called Yona and had died a couple of years before I was born. However they did not want to call me Yona or Yonit because they wanted to use a more modern name. They discussed it for several days until they came up with the name, Yasmin. My father did not have a problem with the name because he really liked the flower, jasmine.

When I was a little girl I didn't really like my name at all but through the years I began to like it more and more. I especially like the way it sounds in English, Jasmine. My father always used different nicknames for me, such as Jessica, Jessy, and he sings me the song by the "Etnix" band called "Jessica". My girlfriends also have many nicknames for me such as "Yossi", "Yusuf", Chosefina" and "Chasmine" to name just a few.

One special thing that happened when I was born and is connected to my name is my aunt and her husband bought me a jasmine plant which was very small at the time and is still in our garden and is very large. To summarize, I like my name and many people compliment me on it and say that it is a name for a princess.

I do not Know any famous people with the name Yasmin. However, I do know that the name of the flower, Jasmine, appears in the bible. I also know that the name Yasmin is used in many arab countries such as Iran, Jordan and Iraq

יום ראשון, 13 בספטמבר 2009

יום רביעי, 20 במאי 2009

Anne Frank

When Anne Frank wrote her diary, she didn't think that it would be published and read by people all over the world. However, because of what happened during the holocaust, Anne's father published her diary.
I think that he did it because all of his family was killed in the war. He was the only one who survived. I think that in (a) certain way, he felt guilty that he survived, and his whole family didn't. In addition, I think he wanted to find a way to deal with his loneliness and his loss.
I absolutely agree with his decision. I think that in spite of his personal reasons, it was an important document for the next generations to see what happened during world war two, from a point of view of a young person who was there.
Excellent work. (100)

יום שלישי, 21 באפריל 2009

Home? School?

In the story "The Fun They Had" the main characters live in the future and study at home with a mechanical teacher. Would this work in today's society? There are both good and bad sides to this question.

I believe that it is better to have a real teacher because you come to school and see your friends as well as learn. In addition, you have a relationship with your teachers and you can talk to your friends about the lessons. Being in a classroom with your teacher gives the pupil a chance to talk with her and ask questions, if he doesn't understand something. This way the response from the teacher is immediate and the pupil gets feedback right away.

If you study at home you cannot talk to anyone about your reaction to the lessons. Your grades are given quickly by the mechanical teacher, but there is no communication, so you don't learn from your mistakes. Plus, pupils have to spend a lot of time at home and cannot get out of the house for part of the day. This is not good for most pupils, who if they were learning at school would have breaks every couple of hours.(phr.)

In conclusion, I think that it is better to study at school with a regular teacher and to sit in a classroom with your friends and classmates. In(מיותר) this way the pupil can communicate directly with the teacher and enjoy direct communication, not only with the teacher but with his classmates as well.
This is better.

Home Work

The use of homework to help pupils learn material has been utilized for hundreds of years. The article about the young boy, Ben, and his case against homework raises many questions. Is homework really a good thing? Can pupils be successful without homework?

One of the ideas mentioned in the article is that school should be left at school. For example, homework should be done at school or that learning should take place at school and not at home. In my opinion Iit's a good idea. I feel that pupils concentrate more when they are at school.

I definately think that pupils can succeed without homework. If they want to succeed they will concentrate more when they are at school. In addition, there can be additional hours after school when pupils can receive additional help before they leave school

One positive thing about homework is that it can help you review material that you may need for a test. But even this can be done at school instead of at home, when pupils can work together and/or with their teachers.

I think that Ben had an interesting idea in trying to get rid of homework, but I don't think it will happen at my school soon.

יום שני, 16 במרץ 2009

activities influence

In most schools some part of the curriculum is dedicated to activities that take place outside of the school environment. I think it’s a good thing because it exposes children to other subjects that they don’t learn in school.

For example, this year my class went to Tel-Aviv University and we heard a speech about police investigation. This activity is just one example of a topic that we wouldn't ever learn in school.

Another example is the time we were taken to see the movie "The Believer". The movie was used to demonstrate what the speaker was talking about. He spoke about the influence that the media has on the public's opinions. This subject is very relevant and important to teenagers because they are very influenced by things they hear and see.

In my opinion and experience, activities that I've done outside of school have had an important effect on me. They have helped me to develop my own point of view, sometimes more than things I've learned inside school.
This is just great! Good work! (100)

too much love

There are some parents that will always help their children stay out of trouble, no matter how old they are. Their love and worry for their children may influence their children's future. I wonder if they ever think about what this may cause.

Too much worry can sometimes be a bad thing. In the story "All the years of her life" Alfred's mother worried about him too much and didn't let him deal with the troubles he got into by himself. She always hurried to help him, because after all, she didn't want her son to go to jail.
This caused her to feel helpless because Alfred continued to make mistakes and still she helped him time after time.

Parents, who consistently hurry to help their children stay out of trouble don’t necessarily know that they may prevent them from becoming independent. It may even cause them to become spoiled and dependent. It pays to have a balance between love and worry to avoid overdepedance.

In conclusion, most parents love their children and want the best for them. However, sometimes loving someone too much, even your own child, can have a negative effect.

יום שני, 12 בינואר 2009

Its been 8th years. 8 years! Of the cruel surprise coming from the sky directly into the lives of the people in the south of Israel, Sderot, Asheklon and around . The Palastiniens found an incredibly intense and efficient way to express their feeling toward the Israeli government and Israeli people. They are trying to kill as much as they can. The Israeli people who live in the south of Israel have suffered for many years and always tried to show their pain. Although everybody listened to them, nobody could help. This time they didn't give up and the citizens did everything to lead to the current war going on in Gaza. Although there are victims on both sides Israeli and Arabs, we all hope it will lead to quiet and peace in the area.